About Our Mission
History Flight is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to research and help locate the remains of over 81,900 American service members still missing in action (MIA) from past American conflicts.
- 2003, History Flight was founded. Conducted archival research and site development.
- 2010, recovered 3 U.S. MIAs on Tarawa.
- 2012, located six U.S. MIAs in Europe that were later recovered and identified by JPAC. Recovered one U.S. MIA in Europe and five U.S. MIAs in Tarawa.
- 2013 – 2020, Recovered over 150+ MIAs in Tarawa including Medal of Honor MIA 1st Lt Alexander Bonnyman, Jr. and a total of 12 MIAs in Europe.
- Recovery costs from 2010 to 2016 equal $6,000,000, less that the cost DPAA pays to recover a single MIA in Vietnam.
- History Flight is the most successful MIA Recovery NGO and DPAA Government Contractor in the World with a 93% success rate per site.

317 William St. Suite #1
Fredericksburg, VA 22401