Paul Martin and K9 Ziva
Anthropologist and K9 Handler
Paul agreed to join History Flight with K9 Ziva in the fall of 2018. Currently, he is on approved leave from his Ph.D. studies in archaeological geophysics in the Department of Earth Sciences at the University of Memphis. Paul’s Master in Arts is from the University of Mississippi in Anthropology with his thesis “An Evaluation of Geophysical Methods in the Detection of Toddler Sized Burials within the First Six Months of Burial.” He has a Bachelor in Science in Anthropology with a concentration in Forensic Anthropology and an approved minor in Victim Advocacy from the Western Carolina University Honors College. Paul has over 20 years experience working and training human remains detection canines, and since 2002 has concentrated on their usage as a tool for archaeological survey.
Paul works along side his current K9 partner Ziva, a 10 year old female black lab that is certified in Human Remains Detection. When Paul is not teaching a class, training dogs, working on a forensic case or on an archaeological project, Paul can be found enjoying the company of his wife and kids while kayak fishing or wading in a mountain stream fly fishing for trout.