Our Story

History Flight is a privately operated, 501(c)3 Non-Profit organization dedicated to researching, recovering and repatriating America’s service members back to United States of America. These individuals have been listed as Missing in Action (MIA) or deemed non-recoverable during the past American conflicts of WWII, Korean War, Cold War, and Vietnam War. There are currently over 81,900 missing American service members around the world. Recovery operations of this magnitude are only successful through the contributions of dedicated organizations and individuals doing their part to ensure that the heroes of our past conflicts; whom have given the last full measure in order to secure the freedoms and liberties we enjoy today, are not forgotten.
Since 2003, History Flight missions have recovered the remains of over 130 missing service members, in both the European and Pacific theaters of war, and helped return them to their families. Our organization is also responsible for the recovery of an additional 250 sets of remains; turned over to the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) that are currently in the process of identification.
Our Mission
Here at History Flight, we utilize a multi-faceted search and recovery approach; coupled with a team of world class professionals with the passion and dedication for the mission of finding our lost service members. Our result-driven methodology is unmatched, allowing History Flight the honor of being the world’s most successful, private, MIA search and recovery organization. Over the years we have maintained a 93% organizational success rate in finding America’s lost heroes. Our dedicated researchers and scientists continue their tireless search today in fulfilling America’s promise of “Never leaving a fallen comrade behind”

History Flight's Founder

Mark Noah- Honorary Marine
Mark, who founded “History Flight” to preserve and to honor American aviation history, is a certified airplane fanatic with over 10,000 hours of flying time in everything form the T-6 to the B-767. Mark is an Aviation Historian with a BA with Honors in history from Emory University in Atlanta. Mark is a CFI and CFII, and holds type ratings in the B-727, B-757, and the B-767. At a ceremony in the summer of 2015, Mark was awarded the distinguished and unique honor of being named an Honorary Marine by the Commandant of the United States Marine Corps. There have been less than 100 individuals worldwide who have had this honor bestowed upon them.
317 William St. Suite #1
Fredericksburg, VA. 22401